Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors


Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors

Waybar is a highly customizable wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors. It features applets displaying information about Sway (Workspaces, Binding mode, Focused window name), Local time, Battery, Network, Pulseaudio, Memory, Cpu load average and custom scripts
tile puzzle game


tile puzzle game

puzzle-jigsaw is a tile puzzle that requires the assembly of often oddly shaped interlocking and mosaiced pieces.
Qt5 image viewer with optional video support


Qt5 image viewer with optional video support

Qimgv is an image viewer written in Qt5. It is fast, configurable and easy to use. It also provides optional video support.
RSS/Atom feed reader for GNOME


RSS/Atom feed reader for GNOME

GNOME Feeds (gfeeds) is an RSS/Atom feed reader with an adaptative UI. It is a Python3 GTK based application with a small screen compatible graphical user interface. It supports importing OPML files.
non-destructive photo retouching program


non-destructive photo retouching program

This is a non-destructive photo retouching program providing a complete layer-based workflow including RAW image development.
Planetary system view


science-fiction exploration/strategy adventure game in space

It was originally both developed and published by Channel 7 for DOS in 1994. Gameplay is real-time, featuring trading, diplomacy, and strategy, and somewhat resembles Star Control 2 / Ur-Quan masters.