
log changes on tables and restore tables to point in time

table_log is a PostgreSQL extension with a set of functions to log changes on a table and to restore the state of the table or a specific row on any time in the past.


telepathy oFono on-ring mission control plugin for ril modems

telepathy-ofono is a Telepathy connection manager that makes it possible for Telepathy clients to communicate using oFono modems, enabling features like real phone calls and send and receive SMSs.


Unified interface for cryptographic libraries

Unicrypto is a library that provides a unified interface to a variety of cryptographic algorithms. With it, developers can easily integrate encryption into their applications, ensuring the security of data and communications.


shared library for xtb

xtb program performs semiempirical quantummechanical calculations. The underlying effective Hamiltonian is derived from density functional tight binding (DFTB). This implementation of the xTB Hamiltonian is currently compatible with the zeroth, first and second level parametrisation for geometries, frequencies and non-covalent interactions (GFN) as well as with the ionisation potential and electron affinity (IPEA) parametrisation of the GFN1 Hamiltonian. The generalized born (GB) model with solvent accessable surface area (SASA) is also available available in this version. Ground state calculations for the simplified Tamm-Danceoff approximation (sTDA) with the vTB model are currently not implemented.


computer algebra routines of BRiAl

The core of BRiAl is a C++ library, which provides high-level data types for Boolean polynomials and monomials, exponent vectors, as well as for the underlying polynomial rings and subsets of the powerset of the Boolean variables. As a unique approach, binary decision diagrams are used as internal storage type for polynomial structures. On top of this C++-library a Python interface is provided. This allows parsing of complex polynomial systems, as well as sophisticated and extendable strategies for Groebner base computation. BRiAl features a powerful reference implementation for Groebner basis computation.


GNOME crypto services (daemon and tools)

GCR is a library for crypto UI and related tasks.