TeX Live: Setup of fonts for TeX Live and search via kpathsea
This package ships links to all the fonts that are originally in TeX Live,
collection fonts-extra, but are not shipped in the Debian package
texlive-fonts-extra due to availability in separate packages. . For
documents searching these fonts by file name instead of using fontconfig
lookups, the font files need to be linked into the TEXMF tree of TeX Live.
This package ships these links and depends on all the font packages
language drills to test vocabulary
langdrill is a helper for testing your foreign language vocabulary.
It uses GTK+ toolkit and VDK (a C++ wrapper around GTK+). langdrill
looks similar to JavaDrill.
weblog manager - twentyseventeen theme files
WordPress is a full featured web blogging tool:
* Instant publishing (no rebuilding)
* Comment pingback support with spam protection
* Non-crufty URLs
* Themable
* Plugin support
This package contains WordPress twentyseventeen theme files
NOTE: This theme requires access to public CDNs for use of
some font or CSS files.
US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
It often happens that you have non-Roman text data in Unicode, but you can't
display it -- usually because you're trying to show it to a user via an
application that doesn't support Unicode, or because the fonts you need
aren't accessible. You could represent the Unicode characters as "???????" or
"\15BA\15A0\1610...", but that's nearly useless to the user who actually
wants to read what the text says.
handling and rendering XPS documents (utilities)
OpenXPS or XPS stands for XML Paper Specification. It is based on XML and it's
a new electronic paper format originally developed by Microsoft and it serves
as a PDF alternative. XPS files are usually created using "Microsoft XPS
Document Writer" in Windows environments. It is now standardized as an open
standard document format.