platform game with high doses of mystery - level editor
This package contains the level editor for the Holotz's Castle game.
tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawler game engine
LambdaHack is a Haskell game engine library for ASCII roguelike
games of arbitrary theme, size and complexity, with optional
tactical squad combat. It's packaged together with a sample
dungeon crawler in fantasy setting that can be tried out
as a native binary or in the browser at http://lambdahack.github.io.
Asteroids game with powerups and color graphics
massively multiplayer pong game client (caca version)
mmpong is an ATARI-pong-like multiplayer game, where a moving ball
reflects on impact from paddles on the left and right sides of the
Chiptune tracker
This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music
from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It features a "tracker" style sequencer,
and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including but not
limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample
playback. Sounds can be easily beefed up by using the effect chain. It is
possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD,
Fasttracker 2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard
Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single mixdown .WAV
or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the
klystrack files in your own games and other software.