
Asynchronous client for the Tailscale API

This library allows for programmatic control and monitoring of Tailscale clients. It provides an asynchronous interface to interact with the Tailscale API, enabling operations such as fetching the state of devices within a Tailscale VPN network. The library makes it easier to integrate Tailscale functionality into other applications by offering various methods to manage and query Tailscale networks and devices. This includes obtaining a list of devices, checking their status, and performing other actions that can be automated through the Tailscale API.


Library to generate PKCE code verifier and code challenge

This library provides functionality to generate a Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) code verifier and code challenge. It enables secure OAuth 2.0 flows by ensuring that the authorization code is exchanged securely. The library generates a code verifier string and creates a corresponding code challenge using various methods such as S256. These PKCE pairs are essential for enhancing security in public client OAuth 2.0 implementations, particularly those running in native applications or single-page applications.


Asynchronous client for AirGradient devices

This library allows for fetching data from AirGradient devices, providing access to a range of environmental sensors. It can retrieve information such as carbon dioxide levels, humidity, nitrogen index, particulate matter densities of various sizes, and more. Additionally, it supports configuration entities that let users customize their AirGradient devices, including adjusting display settings and toggling various features.


Library for controlling and monitoring Elgato Light devices

This library allows users to control and monitor Elgato Light devices, such as the Key Light, Key Light Air, Key Light Mini, and Light Strip. It provides functionality for adjusting brightness, color temperature, and power state. Additionally, it can identify specific lights by blinking them, and integrates with battery level and studio mode for the Key Light Mini.


Changelogs without conflicts

Changelogd allows teams to avoid merge conflicts for the changelog files. The ``changelogd`` content is stored within multiple YAML files - one per each changelog entry. Then, during application release, all input files are combined into one release file. The script uses Jinja2 templates to generate one consistent text file out of all input YAML files. The default output format is Markdown, but by modifying the templates it can be changed into any text format you like.


simple, easy-to-use throttler for asyncio

This Python library provides a simple, easy-to-use throttler for asyncio.