
pure Python C++ header parser

The cxxheaderparser library is used to parse syntactically valid C++ code and operate on the results. It provides both a visitor-style interface to process the results as they are being parsed or the option of a single data structure containing all parsed information.


real Embedded Algebraic Number Theory In C/C++ - libs

E-ANTIC is a C/C++ mathematical library to deal with real embedded number fields built on top of ANTIC; ANTIC is an Algebraic Number Theory library In C <>. The aim of the E-ANTIC library is to have as fast as possible exact arithmetic operations and comparisons.


brace expanding library (à la Bash) for Python (Python 3)

brace expanding library (à la Bash) for Python.


Stroke handling helper library for Plover

This package provides a stroke handling helper library for working with steno stroke. It is a dependency for plover software.


Python asyncio redis redlock implementation

This Python module provides an async implementation of the redis Redlock algorithm. This algorithm is designed to provide distributed locks with the following properties:


integration of CrowdSec with Python projects (Python3 version)

CrowdSec is a FOSS tool which parses logs and detects attacks. PyCrowdSec enables integration of CrowdSec with Python projects. It is easy to setup and boosts the security by leveraging CrowdSec's attack detection capabilities.