
tools biological sequences: bam-filter, count-reads, vcf-check

This package provides several tools that (at least at the time of their creation) provide functionalities beyond the routine provided by samtools and other reverse dependencies of the htslib.


GNU R HDF5 compression filters

This Bioconductor package provides a collection of compression filters for use with HDF5 datasets.


liquid performance extension in C

A partial native implementation of the liquid ruby gem in C to speed up the performance and can also help with Jekyll site builds.


GNU R IsoSpec Algorithm

IsoSpec is a fine structure calculator used for obtaining the most probable masses of a chemical compound given the frequencies of the composing isotopes and their masses. It finds the smallest set of isotopologues with a given probability. The probability is assumed to be that of the product of multinomial distributions, each corresponding to one particular element and parametrized by the frequencies of finding these elements in nature. These numbers are supplied by IUPAC - the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.


shell execution common to Puppet clojure projects

This package contains a library for shell execution common to Puppet clojure projects.


QGIS - shared 3d library