C++ Utilities for ROS 2
This package is part of ROS 2, the Robot Operating System.
It provides basic macros, functions, and data structures for the ROS 2
balanced parentheses tree structure
This Python3 module is an implementation of the balanced parentheses
tree structure as described by Cordova and Navarro.
wrapper library to port from cuRAND applications to HIP - library
The rocRAND project includes a wrapper library called hipRAND which allows
user to easily port CUDA applications that use cuRAND library to the HIP
layer. In ROCm environment hipRAND uses rocRAND, however in CUDA environment
cuRAND is used instead.
generate pseudo- and quasi-random numbers - library
The rocRAND project provides functions that generate pseudo-random and
quasi-random numbers.
ADIOS2 Adaptable IO system for simulations - C++11 binding libraries (MPI)
The Adaptable IO System (ADIOS) provides a simple, flexible way for
scientists to describe the data in their code that may need to be
written, read, or processed outside of the running simulation. By
providing an external to the code XML file describing the various
elements, their types, and how you wish to process them this run, the
routines in the host code (either Fortran or C) can transparently
change how they process the data.
Python implementation of Lunr.js (Python3 version)
This package includes the Python version of Lunr.js aims to bring the simple
and powerful full text search capabilities into Python guaranteeing results as
close as the original implementation as possible.