
ACE SAX based XML parsing library

This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an event-driven parsing approach.


Multiprecision polynomial solver (graphical version)

A polynomial rootfinder that can determine arbitrary precision approximations with guaranteed inclusion radii. It supports exploiting of polynomial structures such as sparsisty and allows for polynomial implicitly defined or in some non standard basis.


compatibility shim for subroutine signatures

Filter::signatures implements a backwards compatibility shim for formal Perl subroutine signatures that were introduced to the Perl core with Perl 5.20.


owserver protocol library

The 1-Wire bus is a cheap low-speed bus for devices like weather sensors, access control, etc. It can be attached to your system via serial, USB, I2C, and other interfaces.


Direct linear systems solver - PTScotch-version shared libraries

MUMPS implements a direct solver for large sparse linear systems, with a particular focus on symmetric positive definite matrices. It can operate on distributed matrices e.g. over a cluster. It has Fortran and C interfaces, and can interface with ordering tools such as Scotch.


Boost Random Number Library

This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.