
Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches

This library can be used to display checkboxes and radio buttons as toggle switches in webpages.


Embedded board control programs

Labgrid is an embedded board control Python library with a focus on testing, development and general automation.


GNU R extract and visualize multivariate data analyses

Provides some easy-to-use functions to extract and visualize the output of multivariate data analyses, including 'PCA' (Principal Component Analysis), 'CA' (Correspondence Analysis), 'MCA' (Multiple Correspondence Analysis), 'FAMD' (Factor Analysis of Mixed Data), 'MFA' (Multiple Factor Analysis) and 'HMFA' (Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis) functions from different R packages. It contains also functions for simplifying some clustering analysis steps and provides 'ggplot2' - based elegant data visualization.


Multiprecision polynomial solver (FORTRAN module)

A polynomial rootfinder that can determine arbitrary precision approximations with guaranteed inclusion radii. It supports exploiting of polynomial structures such as sparsisty and allows for polynomial implicitly defined or in some non standard basis.


Wrapper for OWFS C-API (Python 3)

This wrapper around the OWFS C-API is fairly is fairly similar to the original owpython. However, this library is class-based, so some modifications are required converting owpython code.


clustering, differential expression, and trajectory analysis for RNA-Seq

Monocle performs differential expression and time-series analysis for single-cell expression experiments. It orders individual cells according to progress through a biological process, without knowing ahead of time which genes define progress through that process. Monocle also performs differential expression analysis, clustering, visualization, and other useful tasks on single cell expression data. It is designed to work with RNA-Seq and qPCR data, but could be used with other types as well.