
generate Makefile dependency lists from source files

Package contains dependency generators for LaTeX, COM and Java source files.


regular expressions for Java

The JRegex is compact and efficient regular expression library for Java. It provides support for full Perl 5.6 regex syntax and is compliant with's regex guidelines. Besides that, jregex supports named groups (existing in Python regexes but neither in Perl nor in other Java libs), and incomplete matching, which is hardly found elsewhere.


Syntax coloring scheme for pygments using JupyterLab (Python 3)

Provides a syntax coloring scheme for pygments using JupyterLab, which enables the use of JupyterLab's themes with pygments-generated HTML.


command line option handler for Java applications

SOptions is a Java library for handling of command line options, intended to be used by Java command line applications.


Server library for xrootd

This package contains the xrootd server library.


Chewing input method support for fcitx5

This package provides a wrapper of Chewing engine for Fcitx5.