
MIFARE card manipulations library

The libfreefare project aims to provide a convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations.


capture node OS metrics from PostgreSQL

pgnodemx is a PostgreSQL extension that provides SQL functions to allow capture of node OS metrics via SQL queries.


PostgreSQL interface to memcached

pgmemcache is an extension for PostgreSQL that provides an API to memcached through user-defined functions.


report whether PostgreSQL node is master or standby

bgw_replstatus is a tiny PostgreSQL background worker to cheaply report the replication status of a node. It's intended to be polled by a load balancer such as haproxy.


low-level communication library for ISI modems

libgisi is a low level library for communicating with ISI devices, such as the modem found in some Nokia devices.


YAC (Yet Another Cache) for PHP

The Yet Another Cache (YAC) is a shared memory user data cache for PHP, which provides framework for caching user variables locally. This framework completes the missing parts of the Zend OpCache.