OpenLDAP libraries
These are the run-time libraries for the OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol) servers and clients.
Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions and Threshold OPRF library
This library implements the basic OPRF (ristretto255, SHA-512) variant from the
"Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions using Prime-Order Groups" Draft from the IRTF
Crypto Forum Research Group (
Additionally it implements a threshold OPRF based on "TOPPSS: Cost-minimal
Password-Protected Secret Sharing based on Threshold OPRF" by Krawczyk et al
dynamic libraries for OpenTURNS
OpenTURNS is a powerful and generic tool to treat and quantify
uncertainties in numerical simulations in design, optimization and
control. It allows both sensitivity and reliability analysis studies:
* define the outputs of interest and decision criteria;
* quantify and model the source of uncertainties;
* propagate uncertainties and/or analyse sensitivity
* rank the sources of uncertainty
skip markers for pytest
This pytest plugin was extracted from pytest-salt-factories. It’s a collection
of useful skip markers created to simplify and reduce code required to skip
tests in some common scenarios, for example, platform specific tests.
GUI for uncertainty treatment (shared libraries)
Persalys is a graphical user interface for OpenTURNS, dedicated to the
treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. The software is
a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data
sciences. The interface is available in French or in English.