
Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - library

Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault-tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons).


GNU C preprocessor

A macro processor that is used automatically by the GNU C compiler to transform programs before actual compilation.


gnuradio wavelet functions

Library of Daubechies wavelet function blocks. wvps computes the Wavelet Power Spectrum from a set of wavelet coefficients.


gnuradio video functions

Library for handling SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) video data. Implements input and output blocks. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio trellis modulation functions

Library for trellis coding modulation, including the Viterbi Algorithm, Concatenated Coding and Turbo Decoding based upon finite state machine (FSM) class. Part of the main gnuradio build.


Provides functionality for http_build_url() to environments without pecl_http

This simple library provides functionality for `http_build_url()` from pecl_http before version 2. It aims to mimic the functionality of the PECL function in every way.