feature-rich dictionary lookup program (NG/qtwebengine fork, Qt5)
GoldenDict is a feature-rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple
dictionary formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd/AARD/MDict/SDict)
and online dictionaries, featuring perfect article rendering with the
complete markup, illustrations and other content retained,
and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case.
audio player and music collection organizer
Strawberry is a music player aimed at music collectors and audiophiles.
It is a fork of Clementine. The name is inspired by the band Strawbs.
Graphical tool to set the screen brightness on Xorg
A little window with a slider for each screen which can be used to
adjust the brightness of the screens.
model building program for macromolecular crystallography
This is a program for constructing atomic models of macromolecules
from x-ray diffraction data. Coot displays electron density maps and
molecular models and allows model manipulations such as idealization,
refinement, manual rotation/translation, rigid-body fitting, ligand
search, solvation, mutations, rotamers. Validation tools such as
Ramachandran and geometry plots are available to the user. This
package provides a Coot build with embedded Python support.
Generic satellite data processing software
It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary
stages to get from satellite transmission to actual products.
* Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF,
LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc.
* Recording of radio basebands from your SDR
* Decoding and processing the data from over 90 different satellites
and even space probes.
* Live decoding of supported satellite links such as APT, LRPT, HRPT,
LRIT, HRIT and many more.
* Image and data decoding from satellites such as NOAA 15-18-19,
Meteor-M, GOES, Elektro-L, Metop, FengYun, etc.
* Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites,
such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. ready to use for
scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts.
* Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including
layering with other instruments or satellites.
* Inmarsat Aero and STD-C EGC messages decoding.
* Scheduler and rotator control for automated satellite stations.
* Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception.
check DFSG compliance of installed packages
This program will analyze the set of currently-installed packages on a
Debian-based system, and report all of the packages from the non-free and
contrib trees which are currently installed.