
Additional table based input method for Fcitx 5

Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems.


Cockpit user interface for diagnostic reports

The Cockpit component for creating diagnostic reports with the sosreport tool.


sequence logo generator

WebLogo is a web based application designed to make the generation of sequence logos.


KIWI - Dracut module for disks with embedded verity metadata

This package contains the kiwi-verity dracut module which is used for booting OEM images built with KIWI and configured to use an embedded verity metadata block via the embed_verity_metadata type attribute.


KIWI - Dracut module for VMX (+overlay) image type

This package contains the kiwi-overlay dracut module which is used for booting VMX images built with KIWI and configured to use an overlay root filesystem.


PoDoFo - library to work with the PDF file format

The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo.