
Image processing toolkit for registration and segmentation - runtime

ITK is an open-source software toolkit for performing registration and segmentation. Segmentation is the process of identifying and classifying data found in a digitally sampled representation. Typically the sampled representation is an image acquired from such medical instrumentation as CT or MRI scanners. Registration is the task of aligning or developing correspondences between data. For example, in the medical environment, a CT scan may be aligned with a MRI scan in order to combine the information contained in both.


genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - tool

"We are all different!" Geneticists agree to this. Even twins, who are said to be identical are on a molecular level only "mostly" identical. And even within the exact same individual, healthy cells acquire mutations such that we are all genetic mosaics. Changes to individual cells may be induced by environmental factors, e.g. like UV light, or happen sporadically as mishaps during cellular divisions.


sequential object-oriented simplex solver (shared library)

This package is part of the SCIP Optimization Suite. SoPlex is an optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs) based on an advanced implementation of the primal and dual revised simplex algorithm. It provides special support for the exact solution of LPs with rational input data.


Python bindings for MuPDF library

MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents.


ROCm library for iterative sparse solvers - library

rocALUTION is a library that provides iterative sparse preconditioners and solvers. The rocALUTION project began as a port of PARALUTION to the AMD ROCm platform. This library supports an OpenMP backend for multi-core CPUs and an MPI backend for multi-node clusters.


Affymetrix File Parsing SDK

Package for parsing Affymetrix files (CDF, CEL, CHP, BPMAP, BAR). It provides methods for fast and memory efficient parsing of Affymetrix files using the Affymetrix' Fusion SDK. Both ASCII- and binary-based files are supported. Currently, there are methods for reading chip definition file (CDF) and a cell intensity file (CEL). These files can be read either in full or in part. For example, probe signals from a few probesets can be extracted very quickly from a set of CEL files into a convenient list structure.