
Point Cloud Library - octree library

The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.


Markdown parser for highlights and colors in terminal

md2term was created to be a markdown parser for short texts (less than 30 lines) that could be used in terminal presentations (text slides) and, at the same time, able to be correctly visualized by other parsers on websites (GitHub, GitLab, etc). The script can also be used satisfactorily for viewing other markdown text, provided its limitations are observed.


ReactJS component capable of using JSON Schema to declaratively build forms

node-rjsf provides ReactJS components capable of using JSON Schema to declaratively build and customize web forms.


Node.js library to shallowly compare JavaScript objects

node-shallow-equal provides super light functions to deeply compare JavaScript Objects.


gnuradio zeromq functions

0MQ messaging library support. Provide network socket endpoints for gnuradio data and message streams. PUB/SUB, PUSH/PULL, REP/REQ models supported.


GNU Go compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture)

This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported by the gcc compiler.