
block preconditioners - runtime files

Teko is a package for development and implementation of block preconditioners. This includes support for manipulation and setup of block operators. Furthermore tools exist to support decomposition of a fully coupled operator. Additionally, facilities that allow the construction of approximate inverse operators using the full complement of available preconditioners and solvers are available in Teko. Finally, a small number of generic block preconditioners has been implemented in Teko, including block Jacobi, and block Gauss-Seidel. For the Navier-Stokes equation, Teko has implementations of SIMPLE, PCD and LSC. For details on these methods see Stabilization and Scalable Block Preconditioning for the Navier-Stokes Equations and the references therein.


common tools for Trilinos - runtime files

Teuchos provides a suite of common tools for Trilinos for developers to use. These tools include BLAS/LAPACK wrappers, smart pointers, parameter lists, XML parsers, etc.


LDAP module for PHP

This package provides the LDAP module(s) for PHP.


conversion between Epetra and Teuchos objects - runtime files

Xpetra a lightweight wrapper to both Epetra and Tpetra. The Xpetra syntax mirrors that of Tpetra. Xpetra enables algorithm developers to write to a single interface but be able to use either Epetra or Tpetra. Xpetra can also be introduced into existing code to allow for gradual migration.


GMP module for PHP

This package provides the GMP module(s) for PHP.


Interbase module for PHP

This package provides the Interbase module(s) for PHP.