
Python libzfs bindings

py-libzfs is a fairly straight-forward set of Python bindings for libzfs for ZFS on Linux and FreeBSD.


CUDA Runtime Compilation (NVIDIA NVRTC Builtins Library)

CUDA Runtime Compilation library (nvrtc) provides an API to compile CUDA-C++ device source code at runtime.


GNU Go compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mipsel architecture)

This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported by the gcc compiler.


History service to store messages and calls

A service to record the messages that are sent and received and the calls that are made in the Ubuntu Touch platform.


History service to store messages and calls - QML plugin

A service to record the messages that are sent and received and the calls that are made in the Ubuntu Touch platform.


high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library - GPU runtime

OpenSubdiv is a set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. This codepath is optimized for drawing deforming subdivs with static topology at interactive framerates. The resulting limit surface matches Pixar's Renderman to numerical precision.