Python library for compiling fonts from UFO or Glyphs to OTF/TTF
This library provides a wrapper for several other Python libraries which
together compile fonts from various sources (.glyphs, .ufo) into binaries
(.otf, .ttf).
Font rendering engine for Complex Scripts -- utilities
Graphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts" capable
of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such as:
contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs, bidirectionality,
stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
Emacs major mode for Clojure code
Provides font-lock (syntax highlighting), indentation, navigation and basic
refactoring for the Clojure programming language (
Japanese TrueType font, based on Ume Gothic Classic and M+ fonts
Umeplus-cl is Japanese TrueType Gothic font, it consists of
* UmePlus CL Gothic
* UmePlus CL P Gothic
open source coding font with bitmap-like sharpness (half loose tracking)
Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like
sharpness at 12px/9pt even on low res display.
Terminus - fast reading fixed-width OpenType bitmap fonts
These are fixed-width fonts suitable for terminals, editors, etc.
If you have to work for extended time in front of monitor (i.e. over
eight hours), you may find that using of these fonts reduces your