Free Pascal - Web assmebly support units
The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi
and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a
completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and
compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform-independent class-based
Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing
with many popular open source libraries.
library to support DNA string matching and comparative genomics
libMems is a freely available software development library to support DNA
string matching and comparative genomics. Among other things, libMems
implements an algorithm to perform approximate multi-MUM and multi-MEM
identification. The algorithm uses spaced seed patterns in conjunction
with a seed-and-extend style hashing method to identify matches. The method
is efficient, requiring a maximum of only 16 bytes per base of the largest
input sequence, and this data can be stored externally (i.e. on disk) to
further reduce memory requirements.
automated reasoning tool for Coq
Hammer is a tool to help in the search of a proof
in Coq. It tries to find applicable lemmas and
combine them into a effective proof.
Bootstrap 4 template pack for django-crispy-forms (Python3 version)
Bootstrap4 template pack for django-crispy-forms. This template pack was
included with the core django-crispy-forms package until version 2.0.
Library to manage UEFI variables
Library to allow for the simple manipulation of UEFI variables related to
library for Microsoft compression formats (shared library)
The purpose of libmspack is to provide both compression and decompression of
some loosely related file formats used by Microsoft. The intention is to
support all of the following formats: COMPRESS.EXE [SZDD],
Microsoft Help (.HLP), COMPRESS.EXE [KWAJ], Microsoft Cabinet (.CAB),
HTML Help (.CHM), Microsoft eBook (.LIT), Windows Imaging Format (.WIM),
Exchange Offline Address Book (.LZX).