
Symfony Lokalise Translation Provider Bridge

The Symfony Lokalise Translation Provider Bridge provides Lokalise integration for Symfony Translation.


ACE secure socket layer library

This package contains wrappers that integrate the OpenSSL library in the ACE framework.


OAuth 2.x Resource Server implementation for Apache

A module for Apache HTTP Server 2.x that makes the Apache web server operate as a OAuth 2.0 Resource Server, validating OAuth 2.0 bearer access tokens and setting headers/environment variables based on the validation results.


Symfony Mailjet Mailer Bridge

The Symfony Mailjet Mailer Bridge provides Mailjet integration for Symfony Mailer.


C++ toolkit for machine learning and computer vision - library

Dlib is a general purpose cross-platform open source software library written in the C++ programming language. It now contains software components for dealing with networking, threads, graphical interfaces, complex data structures, linear algebra, statistical machine learning, image processing, data mining, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, Bayesian networks, and numerous other tasks.


Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript

Jasmine does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. Thus it suited for websites, Node.js projects, or anywhere that JavaScript can run.