
conversion tool for SAV file format

Savvy is the official C++ interface for the SAV file format and offers seamless support for BCF and VCF files.


Read variables from a file and make them available to webpack

Webpack ENV is a webpack plug-in for creating ENV-variable-like globals in webpack.


WebSocket-like API

SockJS-node is a server counterpart of SockJS-client a JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object in the browser. SockJS gives a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication.


Core plugins for DNF, the Dandified Yum package manager

This package enhances DNF with builddep, config-manager, copr, debug, debuginfo-install, download, needs-restarting, groups-manager, repoclosure, repograph, repomanage, reposync, changelog and repodiff commands.


PAM module to permit configuring time limits for user sessions

This module lets you pass session time limit information to pam_systemd.


ARC Globus plugins common libraries

NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC).