
ibus-table input method: Mongol Bichig

IBus is an Intelligent Input Bus. It is a new input framework for the Linux OS. It provides full featured and user friendly input method user interface. It also may help developers to develop input method easily.


Flask extension for server session

Flask-Session is an extension for Flask that adds support for Server-side Session to your application. Flask 0.8 or newer is required, if you are using an older version.


C# like language for the GObject system - vapi files

Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.


Universal utility for programming FPGAs

FPGAs are software-programmable reconfigurable circuits that when may implement arbitrary logics, be it to interface to other hardware as some sort of glue logic or to even outsource computations from your CPU as an accelerator. Even small FPGAs are today sufficiently capable to simulate a CPU.


Debian-installer network boot images for mipsel

This package contains images of the Debian Installer for the mipsel architecture.


COMPATibility Library for Emacs

The intended audience of this library aren't day-to-day users, but package developers that wish to make use of newer functionality, not provided in older versions of Emacs, without breaking compatibility for users bound to specific Emacs releases.