
Apache Portable Runtime Library

APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations.


Links to notmuch messages

This file implements links to notmuch messages and "searches". A search is a query to be performed by notmuch; it is the equivalent to folders in other mail clients. Similarly, mails are referred to by a query, so both a link can refer to several mails.


HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library)

This package provides the library /usr/lib/ which can be used by application developers to embed PHP scripting functionality.


Bcmath module for PHP

This package provides the Bcmath module(s) for PHP.


Python bindings for MuPDF library

MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents.


Affymetrix File Parsing SDK

Package for parsing Affymetrix files (CDF, CEL, CHP, BPMAP, BAR). It provides methods for fast and memory efficient parsing of Affymetrix files using the Affymetrix' Fusion SDK. Both ASCII- and binary-based files are supported. Currently, there are methods for reading chip definition file (CDF) and a cell intensity file (CEL). These files can be read either in full or in part. For example, probe signals from a few probesets can be extracted very quickly from a set of CEL files into a convenient list structure.