
programs for the GTK graphical user interface library

GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites.


GNU Modula-2 compiler (cross compiler for mipsr6 architecture)

This is the GNU Modula-2 compiler, which compiles Modula-2 on platforms supported by gcc. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimised code.


Raku / Perl 6 module manager

Zef is a Raku / Perl 6 module (package) manager. It can be used to download and install Raku / Perl 6 modules in your home directory or as a system-wide module.


Pass extension for auditing your password repository

pass audit is a password-store extension for auditing your passwordstore repository. Passwords will be checked against the Python implementation of Dropbox' zxcvbn algorithm and Troy Hunt's Have I Been Pwned Service. It supports safe breached password detection from using a K-anonymity method. Using this method, you do not need to (fully) trust the server that stores the breached password. You should read the security consideration section for more information.


Chinese Lunar library based on GObject

Lunar-date is a Chinese Lunar library based on GObject, which can covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar.


window.fetch JavaScript polyfill

The fetch() function is a Promise-based mechanism for programmatically making web requests in the browser. This project is a polyfill that implements a subset of the standard Fetch specification, enough to make fetch a viable replacement for most uses of XMLHttpRequest in traditional web applications.