Pthread vector operations library (SUNDIALS library)
This package provides implementations for all vector operations
defined by the generic NVECTOR module in the table of operations for
SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation
differential equation solver (SUNDIALS library)
Auxiliary solvers used by the SUNDIALS library.
differential equation solver (SUNDIALS library)
Auxiliary solvers used by the SUNDIALS library.
Binding to the CUDA backends of VkFFT - Python3
pyvkfft offers a simple python interface to the CUDA and OpenCL
backends of VkFFT, compatible with pyCUDA, CuPy and pyOpenCL.
Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - IBM Cloud VPC agent
Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power
management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be
forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.
GNU C compiler (multilib support) (cross compiler for mips64r6 architecture)
This is the GNU C compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C.