
ACE SSL-enabled Inet protocol library

This package provides an ACE addon library for clients (and possibly servers at some point) using Inet protocols which support SSL, such as HTTPS or FTPS.


ACE secure socket layer library

This package contains wrappers that integrate the OpenSSL library in the ACE framework.


ACE transactional multicast library

The TMCast library is a transactional multicast protocol implementation.


ACE XML utility classes and methods

This package provides useful classes and methods for XML parsing with Xerces, including simplified strings, schema resolution, validation and more.


Python bindings for Qt 6 OpenGLWidgets module (Python 3)

pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework.


ACE SAX based XML parsing library

This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an event-driven parsing approach.