
GObject introspection data for libmsgraph

This package contains GObject introspection information.


library for accessing the Microsoft Graph API

libmsgraph is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the Microsoft Graph protocol.


PostgreSQL extension to gather per-query kernel statistics.

Statistics gathered are reads and writes done out of the operating system cache, user and system CPU usage, context switches and all the other meaningful metrics returned by getrusage(2). All those counters are aggregated per postgres role, database and normalized query identifier.


Bootstrap3 template pack for django-crispy-forms (Python3 version)

Bootstrap3 template pack for django-crispy-forms. This template pack was included with the core django-crispy-forms package until version 2.0.


Simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files

diff-pdf is a tool for visually comparing two PDFs. It takes two PDF files as arguments, and generates an output PDF file that highlights the differences between the two input files. Besides, it can compare the two files visually in a simple GUI.


Tool to select authentication and identity sources from supported profiles

Authselect is designed to be a replacement for authconfig but it takes a different approach to configure the system. Instead of letting the administrator build the PAM stack with a tool (which may potentially end up with a broken configuration), it would ship several tested stacks (profiles) that solve a use-case and are well tested and supported. At the same time, some obsolete features of authconfig are not supported by authselect.