
Robot OS 3D visualization tool (library)

This package is part of Robot OS (ROS) RViz package. RViz is a tool to visualize ROS messages and the state of the robot.


Asynchronous I/O readiness notification library

The ivykis library is a thin, portable wrapper around OS-provided mechanisms such as epoll(4), kqueue(2) and poll(2). It was mainly designed for building high-performance network applications, but can be used in any event-driver application that uses pollable file descriptors as its event sources.


LLVM-based linker

LLD is a new, high-performance linker. It is built as a set of reusable components which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project.


JPEG-XR lib - libraries

JPEG XR is an approved ISO/IEC International standard (its official designation is ISO/IEC 29199-2).


Lightweight yet powerful Qt text editor - library

JuffEd is a simple, cross-platform text editor written using the Qt toolkit and the QScintilla library. It supports most features found in modern text editors, including syntax highlighting, bracket matching, switching encodings, sessions, and a plugin API.


Tool for dynamic flowsheet simulation. Command line tool

Dynamic simulation of solids processes, is a dynamic flowsheet modelling system designed to simulate the time-dependent behaviour of complex production processes in solids processing technology