
PETSc vector operations library (SUNDIALS library)

This package provides implementations for all vector operations defined by the generic NVECTOR module in the table of operations for SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).


Non-parallel vector operations library (SUNDIALS library)

This package provides implementations for all vector operations defined by the generic NVECTOR module in the table of operations for SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).


crypton conduit; profiling libraries

Conduit bridge for crypton


Main Python library for debusine

Debusine is a general purpose software factory tailored to the needs of a Debian-based distribution.


Fcitx5 wrapper for libkkc IM engine

fcitx5-kkc is a wrapper of libkkc IM engine for Fcitx 5.


Implementation-agnostic implementation of JSON reference resolution

A way for e.g. JSON Schema tooling to resolve the $ref keywords across all drafts without needing to implement support themselves.