cross-platform audio input and output library
libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides
a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver
it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead
exposing the raw power of the underlying backend.
replication manager for PostgreSQL 17
repmgr is an open-source tool suite for managing replication and failover in a
cluster of PostgreSQL servers. It enhances PostgreSQL's built-in hot-standby
capabilities with tools to set up standby servers, monitor replication, and
perform administrative tasks such as failover or manual switchover operations.
lightweight C websockets library
Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library for both websockets
clients and servers built to use minimal CPU and memory resources
and provide fast throughput in both directions.
GNU R Lambert-W function
Implements both real-valued branches of the Lambert-W function
(Corless et al, 1996) <doi:10.1007/BF02124750> without the need for
installing the entire GSL.
GNU R plotting multi-dimensional data
Functions for viewing 2-D and 3-D data, including perspective plots,
slice plots, surface plots, scatter plots, etc. Includes data sets from
GNU R utilities for nonlinear regression and repeated measurements models
A toolkit of functions for nonlinear regression and repeated
measurements not to be used by itself but called by other Lindsey packages such
as 'gnlm', 'stable', 'growth', 'repeated', and 'event'
(available at <>).