
Tryton application platform - account budget module

Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth).


contains multiple implementations of Ordered Set

This implementation keeps the order in all set operations except set difference operations. As a result, it can do set difference operations much faster than other implementations. Still 2X slower than of Python's built-in set.


core library for a MIME tree parser

This is a parser for a MIME tree and is based on KMime. The goal is given a MIME tree to extract a list of parts (e.g. text, html) and a list of attachments, check the validity of the signatures and decrypt any encrypted part.


KDE PIM messaging library, core library

This package contains the message core library. It provides basic e-mail message handling facilities.


Common library for KDE PIM

This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM components.


Common library for KDE PIM Akonadi

This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM Akonadi components.