
equality operators that distinguish C<undef>

Syntax::Operator::Equ provides infix operators that implement equality tests of strings or numbers similar to perl's eq and == operators, except that they consider undef to be a distinct value, separate from the empty string or the number zero.


Osmo codec library

This is part of the libosmocore "meta"-library. The libosmocore library contains various utility functions that were originally developed as part of the OpenBSC project, but which are of a more generic nature and thus useful to (at least) other programs that are developed in the sphere of Free Software / Open Source mobile communication.


Read variables from a file and make them available to webpack

Webpack ENV is a webpack plug-in for creating ENV-variable-like globals in webpack.


WebSocket-like API

SockJS-node is a server counterpart of SockJS-client a JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object in the browser. SockJS gives a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication.


Insight Toolkit module for image denoising (shared library)

This module of Insight Toolkit allows one to denoise an image using a spatially adaptive filter.


CASA mirlib library

The casacore package contains the core libraries of the old AIPS++/CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) package. This split was made to get a better separation of core libraries and applications.