
Google's Android SDK Platform 33-ext5 Installer

This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 33-ext5 package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


Tool for algorithmic discrete geometry -- library package

Polymake started out as a tool for the algorithmic treatment of convex polyhedra. By now it also deals with finite simplicial complexes, tight spans of finite metric spaces, polyhedral surfaces, and other discrete mathematical objects.


Lexer generator in the same family as Rexical and Rex

Oedipus Lex is a lexer generator in the same family as Rexical and Rex. Oedipus Lex is a independent lexer fork of Rexical. Rexical was in turn a fork of Rex. We've been unable to contact the author of rex in order to take it over, fix it up, extend it, and relicense it to MIT. So, Oedipus was written clean-room in order to bypass licensing constraints (and because bootstrapping is fun).


Patroni virtual IP manager

This package needs to be installed and configured on all nodes of a Patroni PostgreSQL cluster. Given a Patroni namespace and scope in etcd or consul, the vip-manager service monitors that namespace for leader changes due to failovers or switchovers and adds or removes the VIP on the local node accordingly.


"Under the Burning Suns" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.18)

This package contains the "Under the Burning Suns" campaign for Wesnoth: "In the distant future a small band of elves struggles to survive amidst the ruins of fallen empires. Lead your people out of the desert on an epic journey to find a new home." (Expert level, 10 scenarios.)


package to enumerate vertices and extreme rays (shared libraries)

A convex polyhedron is the set of points satisfying a finite family of linear inequalities. The study of the vertices and extreme rays of such systems is important and useful in e.g. mathematics and optimization. In a dual interpretation, finding the vertices of a (bounded) polyhedron is equivalent to finding the convex hull (bounding inequalities) of an (arbitrary dimensional) set of points. Lrs (lexicographic reverse search) has two important features that can be very important for certain applications: it works in exact arithmetic, and it consumes memory proportional to the input, no matter how large the output is.