ACE Inet protocol library
This package provides an ACE addon library for clients (and possibly
servers at some point) using Inet protocols, such as HTTP or FTP.
GNOME Bluetooth 3 support library
This package contains tools for managing and manipulating Bluetooth
devices using the GNOME desktop.
cross-platform build utility based on Lua
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build utility based on Lua. It uses
xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt,
the configuration syntax is more concise and intuitive. It is very friendly to
novices and can quickly get started in a short time. Let users focus more on
actual project development.
Bioconductor dispersion shrinkage for sequencing data
DSS is an R library performing differntial analysis for
count-based sequencing data. It detectes differentially
expressed genes (DEGs) from RNA-seq, and differentially
methylated loci or regions (DML/DMRs) from bisulfite sequencing
(BS-seq). The core of DSS is a new dispersion shrinkage method
for estimating the dispersion parameter from Gamma-Poisson or
Beta-Binomial distributions.
extension of GTK4 libraries (demo binary)
Granite-7 is an extension of GTK4. Among other things, it provides
complex widgets and convenience functions designed for use in apps
built for elementary OS.
protein homology modelling engine
ProMod3 is a modelling engine based on the OpenStructure computational
structural biology framework that can perform all steps required to generate
a protein model by homology. Its modular design aims at implementing flexible
modelling pipelines and fast prototyping of novel algorithms.