Lazarus Components Library - backend independent components
Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free
Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more.
GNU Astronomy Utilities shared libraries
GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of libraries and programs
for astronomical data analysis and manipulation. The programs can be run on
the command-line for efficient and easy usage and the libraries can be used
within C and C++ programs.
Declarative native architecture constraint
This is a meta package that can only satisfy a dependency for the
native architecture. The native architecture is defined as the
architecture of the dpkg package by the Multi-Arch specification. By
depending on native-architecture, a client package can prevent its
installation for a non-native architecture.
Declarative native architecture assertions
This is a meta package that can be used to assert that a particular
architecture is native. The native architecture is defined as the
architecture of the dpkg package by the Multi-Arch specification. By
depending on e.g. native-architecture-is-amd64, a client package can
prevent its installation unless the native architecture is amd64.
PostgreSQL extension for automatic bloat cleanup
The pg_squeeze PostgreSQL extension removes unused space from a table and
optionally sorts tuples according to particular index, as if the CLUSTER
command was executed concurrently with regular reads/writes.
Cangjie input method library
This is a library that provides functions related to the Cangjie
Chinese input method.