command-line interface to Wikibase
wikibase-cli is a command-line interface to Wikibase instances. This tool is
mostly a CLI interface to the JS modules wikibase-edit and wikibase-sdk. It was
primarily developed to target Wikidata, but as then been decoupled to support
any Wikibase instance.
high performance, concurrent HTTP client library for Python using gevent
geventhttpclient uses a fast http parser, written in C, originating from
nginx, extracted and modified by Joyent.
Pop floating text on an Emacs window
Popon allows you to pop text on a window, what is called a popon.
Popons are window-local and sticky, they don't move while scrolling,
and they even don't go away when switching buffer, but you can bind a
popon to a specific buffer to only show on that buffer.
Wikidata language database
A database of languages and their Wikidata id, Wikimedia language code,
ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3, ISO 639-6 codes.
Buteo sync framework client - QML bindings
Synchronization of contact data in Lomiri is controlled by Buteo (the
synchronization framework used in Ubuntu Touch and SailfishOS).
Synchronization with a variety of data sources is supported through a
number of data-source-specific synchronization plugins. Each plugin is
independent, although many of them share significant amounts of code to
ease maintenance.
Node.js library to easily embed vega views
node-vega-embed makes it easy to embed interactive node-vega and
node-vega-lite views into web pages. With node-vega-embed, it is possible
* Load Vega/Vega-Lite specs from source text, parsed JSON, or URLs
* Patch Vega specsto add additional functionality
* Add action links such as "View Source" and "Open in Vega Editor"
* Include Vega Tooltip