
realtime plotting utility for text mode consoles and terminals

ttyplot takes data from standard input or a unix pipeline and plots in text mode on a terminal in real time. It supports rate calculation for counters and up to two graphs on a single display using reverse video for the second line.


Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation - shader library

3D graphics library that provides an API similar to Direct3D 12 built on top of the Vulkan library.


Open a named yakuake tab and runs a script in it

A rather simple script to open a new tab in yakuake, set the name of the tab, run a script, and close the tab when the script terminates.


engine for running and embedding Groovy in a Java virtual machine

Grengine allows one to run Groovy code in a Java VM, in a way that is quick, highly configurable and thread-safe. When the default behavior does not suit the users' needs, classes can be overridden to change the way the framework behaves. Even without writing new classes, there are ways to configure the engine quite a lot.


Online Accounts panel library for QML applications

Lomiri-system-settings is the System Settings application used in Lomiri operating environment. it's designed for phones, tablets and convergent devices.


cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt (Core classes)

Communi is a cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt.