Marble impage provider QML module
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
Behaim globe
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
Utility functions for libblockdev
The libblockdev-utils is a library providing utility functions used by the
libblockdev library and its plugins.
Marble QML module
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.
NVMe plugin for libblockdev
The libblockdev library plugin (and at the same time a standalone library)
providing the functionality related to NVMe.
Marble globe widget library
Marble is a generic geographical map widget and framework for KDE
applications. The Marble widget shows the earth as a sphere but does not
require hardware acceleration. A minimal set of geographical data is
included, so it can be used without an internet connection.