
Tool for algorithmic discrete geometry -- library package

Polymake started out as a tool for the algorithmic treatment of convex polyhedra. By now it also deals with finite simplicial complexes, tight spans of finite metric spaces, polyhedral surfaces, and other discrete mathematical objects.


pure Python 3 U2F host library

pyu2f is a Python based U2F host library for Linux, Windows, and MacOS. It provides functionality for interacting with a U2F device over USB.


GNU C compiler for the build architecture

This is the GNU C compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C.


Build Enum-like classes

Class::Type::Enum is a class builder for type-like classes to represent enumerated values. In particular, it was built to scratch an itch with DBIx::Class value inflation.


Free drop-in replacement for Math::Random

Math::Random::Free is free implementation of Math::Random, serving as drop-in replacement for this module.


widgets library for a MIME tree parser

This is a parser for a MIME tree and is based on KMime. The goal is given a MIME tree to extract a list of parts (e.g. text, html) and a list of attachments, check the validity of the signatures and decrypt any encrypted part.