automated theorem prover for SMT problems (parser runtime)
cvc5 is a tool for determining the satisfiability of a first order formula
modulo a first order theory (or a combination of such theories). It is the
fifth in the Cooperating Validity Checker family of tools (CVC, CVC Lite,
CVC3, CVC4) but does not directly incorporate code from any previous version
prior to CVC4.
Utilities for using CWL documents
cwl-docker-extract - cache or pre-pull all software container images referenced
in a CWL CommandLineTool or CWL Workflow (including all referenced
CommandLineTools and sub-Workflows and so on).
VBZ compression plugin for nanopore signal data
VBZ Compression uses variable byte integer encoding to compress nanopore
signal data.
Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST), library
The libEST library is used for secure certificate enrollment (EST,
RFC 7030), and is compatible with Suite B certs (as well as RSA and
DSA certificates). EST is a suitable replacement for the Simple
Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP, RFC 8894).
library for IEC 60870-5 based protocols in C
lib60870 is a feature rich and field proven implementation of the IEC
60870-5-101/104 protocol for client (master station) and server (slave or
controlled station). The library implements all data types of the IEC
60870-5-101/104 specifications.
High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - 64-bit (bigint) Shared Library
Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the
solution of large systems of linear equations.