
Google's Android SDK Platform UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox Installer

This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform UpsideDownCakePrivacySandbox package and unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.


Programmable debugger

drgn (pronounced "dragon") is a debugger with an emphasis on programmability. drgn exposes the types and variables in a program for easy, expressive scripting in Python.


ACE-GUI reactor integration for Tk

Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE community has created several reactor extensions for use with X Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI events, such as button presses, and your own application events.


Turn any Windows program or script into a Windows service

This package contains open-source replacements for proprietary Windows tools, SrvAny (RHSrvAny) and pnp_wait. They are used by the virt-v2v tool when converting Windows virtual machines.


Tools to manage Python library's data files

Pooch manages a data registry by downloading your data files from a server only when needed and storing them locally in a data cache (a folder on your computer).


put Shiny web apps online

Shiny Server lets you put shiny web applications and interactive documents online. Take your Shiny apps and share them with your organization or the world.