
computer vision Image Codecs library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Image Codecs runtime libraries.


Java bindings for the computer vision library

This package contains Java bindings for the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library.


computer vision shape descriptors and matchers library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) shape descriptors and matchers runtime libraries.


computer vision Video I/O library

This package contains the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) Video I/O runtime libraries.


Disk I/O operation scheduler in Python

objective of this module is to provide a queuing system using the underlying file system for storage, security and to avoid race conditions through atomic operations, focusing on simplicity, robustness and scalability.


GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the arm-linux-gnueabihf architecture

This is the GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the arm-linux-gnueabihf architecture, which compiles Objective-C++ on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the gcc backend to generate optimized code.