
shared lib for programs written by Jody Bruchon (runtime)

libjodycode is a software code library containing code shared among several of the programs written by Jody Bruchon such as imagepile, jdupes, winregfs, and zeromerge. These shared pieces of code were copied between each program as they were updated. As the number of programs increased and keeping these pieces of code synced became more annoying, the decision was made to combine all of them into a single reusable shared library.


RPM reader and writer library

This library allows to you to read and write rpm packages. Written in pure ruby because librpm is not available on all systems


intelligent phonetic input method library (tools)

libchewing is an intelligent phonetic input method library for Chinese.


Utility libraries from ASF used by OpenEXR - runtime

Imath is a basic, light-weight, and efficient C++ representation of 2D and 3D vectors and matrices and other simple but useful mathematical objects, functions, and data types common in computer graphics applications, including the “half” 16-bit floating-point type.


HTTP messages parser library

libllhttp provides the Node.js library used to parse HTTP messages.


common functionality for server and client library

This library provides common classes for the libjson-rpc-cpp framework like