
Phobos D standard library (runtime library)

This is the Phobos standard library that comes with the D2 compiler.


node-babel plugin to inject es-shims-api like polyfill

node-babel-polyfills will provide a set of node-babel7 plugins that enable injecting different polyfills with different strategies in the compiled code.


Point Cloud Library - features library

The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.


GNU R utilities for strings and function arguments

The gsubfn function is like gsub but can take a replacement function or certain other objects instead of the replacement string. Matches and back references are input to the replacement function and replaced by the function output. gsubfn can be used to split strings based on content rather than delimiters and for quasi-perl-style string interpolation. The package also has facilities for translating formulas to functions and allowing such formulas in function calls instead of functions. This can be used with R functions such as apply, sapply, lapply, optim, integrate, xyplot, Filter and any other function that expects another function as an input argument or functions like cat or sql calls that may involve strings where substitution is desirable. There is also a facility for returning multiple objects from functions and a version of transform that allows the RHS to refer to LHS used in the same transform.


thin wrapper for clang

Opencl-clang is a thin wrapper library around clang. It has an OpenCL-oriented API and is capable of compiling OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules.


VS Code Debug Protocol

This npm module contains declarations for the json-based Visual Studio Code debug protocol.