
Export formats: vector graphics

Common vector graphic export formats: ps, eps, svg.


C library for crystal symmetry determination

Spglib is a C library for crystal symmetry determination. Symmetry operations, space groups and other data can be obtained using this symmetry finder.


arbitrary precision integers and rationals for PostgreSQL 16

pgmp is a PostgreSQL extension to add the GMP data types and functions directly into the database.


Universal Design typeface Gothic fonts

BIZ UD Gothic is a universal design typeface designed to be easy to read and ideal for education and business documentation. It is a highly legible and well-balanced design sans serif. In order to make the kanji more clear and identifiable, the letterforms are simplified by omitting hane (hook) and geta (the vertical lines extending beyond horizontal strokes at the bottom of kanji). Counters and other spaces are finely adjusted so that the overall balance of the type is not impaired even with the use in relatively large size. The kana are made slightly smaller than the kanji to give a good rhythm and flow when setting long texts in the lighter weights.


numeral datatypes for PostgreSQL

This module provides numeric data types for PostgreSQL that use numerals (words instead of digits) for input and output.


Rust standard libraries

Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries - both abstract and operational - that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency.