
Useful color system conversions for PDL

PDL::Transform::Color includes a variety of useful color conversion transformations. It can be used for simple hacks on machine-native color representations (RGB <-> HSV, etc.), for simple encoding/decoding of machine-native color representations such as sRGB, or for more sophisticated manipulation of absolute color standards including large-gamut or perceptual systems.


Official image definitions for distrobuilder

This package contains the official yaml definitions used by the Linux Containers Project to generate the pre-built images offered at


GLib runtime library for handling GObject introspection data

GLib is a library containing many useful C routines for things such as trees, hashes, lists, and strings. It is a useful general-purpose C library used by projects such as GTK+, GIMP, and GNOME.


Gambas Qt5 Wayland component

Gambas is a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, like Visual Basic(tm) (but it is NOT a clone!).


make class syntax available

Feature::Compat::Class provides the new class keyword and related others (method, field and ADJUST) in a forward-compatible way.


CD-ROM image access library (typelib files)

libMirage is a CD-ROM image access library, part of the CDEmu suite, a free, GPL CD/DVD-ROM device emulator for Linux.