Linux FireWire utilities
This package contains Linux FireWire utilities for printing content of
configuration ROM (config-rom-pretty-printer), for listing devices
(lsfirewire, lsfirewirephy) and for querying and configuring devices
(firewire-request, firewire-phy-command).
Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32)
Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
shared library.
GNU R estimation in Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution
This GNU R package estimates parameters in Dirichlet-Multinomial
and computes profile log-likelihoods.
txi2p is a set of I2P bindings for Twisted
txi2p is a set of I2P bindings for Twisted 10.1 or greater. txi2p
supports both the SAM and BOB APIs for I2P. The default API is SAM.
GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsel)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
extension of awk for biological sequence analysis
Bioawk is an extension to Brian Kernighan's awk, adding the support of
several common biological data formats, including optionally gzip'ed BED, GFF,
SAM, VCF, FASTA/Q and TAB-delimited formats with column names. It also adds a
few built-in functions and an command line option to use TAB as the
input/output delimiter. When the new functionality is not used, bioawk is
intended to behave exactly the same as the original BWK awk.