
Flexible Input Method Framework v5 - Yawerty table

Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems.


PyTorch extension library of optimized graph cluster algorithms (Python 3)

This package consists of a small extension library of highly optimized graph cluster algorithms for the use in PyTorch. The package consists of the following clustering algorithms:


C++ template class library for scientific computing

Blitz++ offers a high level of abstraction, but performance which rivals Fortran. The current version supports arrays and vectors.


librecast file and data syncing tool

lcsync is a tool to sync files over IPv6 multicast or the local filesystem. It splits the file into blocks, hashes them, and compares them in order to efficiently transfer a minimal amount of data.


Fast contraction ordering primitives for tensor networks

`cotengrust` provides fast rust implementations of contraction ordering primitives for tensor networks or einsum expressions. The two main functions are `optimize_optimal(inputs, output, size_dict, **kwargs)` and `optimize_greedy(inputs, output, size_dict, **kwargs)`.


Node.js library that provide an alternative to node-warning

node-tiny-warning provides a tiny node-warning alternative.